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A Force of Nature

Claim your Power and Potential: A 3-Month Mentorship designed to support you in creating a life aligned with your purpose, vision, and values!

Course Summary

Welcome to a 3-month mentorship is designed to support you to create a life in energetic alignment with your purpose, vision, and values! The content arises in the space of this container to serve those present. This mentorship provides the structure, practice, and tools for anchoring your self-identity in the full spectrum of your humanity to create the optimal conditions for unveil your full power and potential. It's time, don't you think?

We all have the potential to be a channel for grace, but our beliefs, ideas, assumptions, and old self-narratives often muddy up the waters of our consciousness, clouding the level of clarity and perception we can access. And this is a time in human history, where a new level of perception will be required to powerfully step into our future human evolution.

Consciousness itself is calling each of us to evolve into the version of ourselves that is capable of creating the NEW world, one that is truly in alignment with true service to humanity.  But nobody can do it for us! In order to begin to activate the transformation required, you must be willing to step into the only place of TRUE power--the present moment. Nice idea, but how do we do this, like for “reals”?  

As you look around the conditions of your life, you may begin to notice how your ego has kept you in solitary confinement thru the very lens it was created from--the lens of separation. This is a matter of attempting to apply physical laws to the non-physical world of the spirit--attempting to reduce infinite Source to the material plane. This confusion is bound to affect how we relate to ourselves and what we believe is possible in the world.

The GOOD NEWS is, once you realize this, you automatically have another opportunity to choose!  This level of evolution being called for is a fully embodied process, one that requires you to inhabit the point of your full power and potential.  We can't do this without a major house cleaning, one that will clear the channel of your consciousness of its misidentification with other's opinions, judgments, trauma, emotional imprints, inherited and societal conditioning and restrictions, that may have not only kept you stuck energetically in place individually, but have also held our entire world in a type of “limbo!”  

To be honest, this level of transformative work requires the right tools, principles, and the correct formula! Have you heard that saying—you’re not stuck, you are just using outworn patterns? Having a comprehensive tool box can support you to RE-MEMBER your authentic state of mind is essential. There is also tremendous value in being part of a like-minded community, to keep you afloat when you get knocked out off your center. When these two conditions--the right tools and community are paired with a strong foundation and understanding of the architecture of consciousness and nervous system, the sky becomes the limit.  

Trust me--I know the task in front of you might appear overwhelming, but you don't have to figure it out all ALONE!  And the world needs you—your gifts, talents, and vision more than ever right NOW!

Can you feel it? I sure can, that is why I am reaching to invite you to join me on a once-in-a-lifetime journey:  For next 90 days, I am inviting you to join me  on a path of self-discovery and empowerment, to increase your current momentum, in transcending and move beyond the current limitations and constructed walls your ego once created to keep you safe, but are now just keeping you from living fully.  Are you ready to move beyond the very obstacles that have been keeping you stuck?

What you Get!

The "Force of Nature"
Portal and Workbook 

Weekly 60 Minute Group and Individual Coaching Sessions

The  Beloved Community

Each week you will receive a new lesson and piece of the puzzle of your path, the full spectrum of consciousness, to clear consciousness and becoming a channel of grace, freedom, to create a life that truly reflects your values!

Each week, I will be leading a 60 minute group Mastermind, outlining and bringing each new step along the process of clearing your "house" of consciousness ALIVE, expanding your vision of the "Self" and what you "see" as possible, rooted in the nature of your Being as the foundation for fully living!

Whether it’s sharing an epic win in your life that "other" friends just “don’t get” or coming on for support after an exceptionally hard day, this is the space our group plugs into to Mastermind, cheer, support, and love each other through the ups and downs of transforming our lives.

Early Bird Course Pricing NOW CLOSED!

This course is not open for enrollment

A Force of Nature

Claim your Power and Potential: A 3-Month Mentorship designed to support you in creating a life aligned with your purpose, vision, and values!

We are made of stardust...and it is to stardust we will return.

If this is not enough to put things into perspective, let me remind you are a walking miracle--spirit walking around this planet in what really is, a type of "mud suit."  But is that how you relate to yourself--to others? And can it all be that simple? And now what?

Well, my friend, on my own self-healing journey and in my work as a coach, I've found there is bigger pattern or blueprint available to us while we are here, that is just waiting for us to claim the full spectrum of our humanity! Unfortunately, many churches and spiritual paths we've depended on in the past had good intentions, yet failed to keep their audience because they were often stuck in an old paradigm ruled by duality, or what I call horizontal plane of the material world,. As they profess one thing, they. are blinded by their own shadow, all the while believing they possess sole access to universal truths, while they can not, by design, be the possession of anyone group,. The "Truth" is the possession of everyone as basic laws of nature Herself! In fact, it is engrained in nature and in our body as an expression of HER laws.

The depth of this reality becomes even more apparent, when you consider, as quantum physics has discovered--atoms are about 99% empty space and they make up 100% of the universe. This means you're actually mostly made up of nothingness. Every human on planet Earth is made up of millions of atoms, but are 99% empty space . So who or what materializes in that 1%?

What is really holding everything together, if not "a force of nature"  that has gone by many names: Love, Infinite Source, Life Intelligence, ALL that IS, etc.....!  "It," which is indescribable,  has been spoken about in all world traditions, philosophies, and religions and yet many of us have yet to step into the fullness of this reality and the frequency of its expanse power and potential.  

"It" has become foreign, outside, cut off, or inaccessible part of our existence. Most likely, because you can't "see" it--and we KNOW how much the ego mind dislikes things it can't see--believing if you can't see it, then its not real. But what if we've had this backwards? What if it is the unseen that actually determines what we see and experience?

What if you already contain all the hardware required to tune into the full spectrum of your Being; you just "get to" create the opportunity to  re-member how to activate it and turn it on! Hint--here's an opportunity!

If your life does not currently "turn you on", if you are not excited about your future, projects and dreams, then part of the problem may be a case of mistaken identity! Stick with me!

Are you ready to be "turned on?"

I am inviting you to join me on a once-in-a-lifetime journey-- an opportunity to step into the fullest version of your being, to rediscover your miraculous nature, that begins to be available through accurate perception, from seeing this created world as it, not how you've been taught. You already contain the blueprint--I'm just a humble guide to hold your hand, to direct you through the most common pitfalls on the path back home to the truth of who you are. This includes access to the both domains--the physical and the nonphysical--understanding the laws and principles that govern each.  

Please feel free to share with family and friends!

Catch a sneak peak in the video below!

Course Curriculum


Yoga Educator and Counselor

I received the support, guidance, and powerful tools to get clear about my next steps regarding how I should act to achieve my goals. I know now know how to organize, combine, and offer, what I have learned from my Clinical Psychology Master's Degree, Yoga Teacher Training, Self-development Master's Degree, and Dance Therapy Training!    Adrienne has been an inspiring professional (and person). Thank you, Adrienne! I LOVE YOU!


Technical Writer and Editor

"I gave myself a “yes” moment, before I let myself make an excuse not to pursue taking this step! To me, the coaching was a form of self-care and getting to know who I am, after years of being buried under patterns that I thought protected me, but ultimately hindered my authenticity and growth. Coaching with Adrienne was one of the most important things I’ve done for myself in over a decade."

Adrienne Lopez, Host

Hi, I'm Adrienne!

I am committed to the evolution of consciousness and raising the level of awareness on the planet. One of the ways I do this is through my work as an Integrative Healing Coach, where I guide clients through a process of re-integrating the different aspects of their consciousness that have become disowned, repressed, or fragmented at no fault of their own. We all pick up conditioning that produces unconscious ego survival structures and stress responses--but this is only a portion of who we truly are!

Integrative Healing is an approach I developed for clearing the "storehouse" of in-form-a-tion (individual and generational) that has been inevitably imprinted on the unconscious mind through our environment, culture, education and other sources of social conditioning. This produces unprocessed psycho-spiritual material that restricts, and ultimately, prevents the human organism from truly optimizing itself to 100% efficiency of its design. I support you in holding the space to make positive changes in those "stuck" areas of your life.

Over the last 30 years, I embarked on an internal, self-healing journey, to come home to myself, where meditation, yoga, and other self-awareness modalities played a big part.​ Having benefited so much from my own 23-year meditative and yogic practice, I have followed the call to share it with others. I started off as a Certified Mindfulness Educator, facilitating countless hours of mindfulness instruction in public schools, with students, parents, school staff, and my surrounding community since 2015. 

​I am also a yoga teacher, energy healer, transpersonal hypnotherapist and clairvoyant intuitive serving as a tour guide of sorts, sharing my knowledge, wisdom, and experience of the terrain with other inner voyagers! It is my honor and pleasure to guide people through the process of transforming their consciousness, to heal limiting beliefs, unhealthy ways of relating, and self-defeating behaviors, so they can more fully access their authentic power, potential, and gifts. I find, that behind all the trappings of desire, what most people truly long for is an unshakeable sense of peace and belonging that is the foundation of wellness on every level of our being.

Please check out my website to find out more about my coaching services:

"If you bring forth what is inside you, it will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what do not bring forth will destroy you."  
                                                                                    ~The Gospel of Thomas

Early Bird Course Pricing NOW CLOSED!